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Local Marketing & Public Relations :: Local Advertising

Advertising Strategies and Tactics

It doesn’t matter how good you are if nobody knows it.

You can have the best product, the best service and the best guarantees – which you do – but it won’t do you any good whatsoever if people don’t know about it.

That is the purpose of the Carrier Expert Marketing Kit – to help you get the word out to your potential customers. It is packed with a comprehensive selection of print, radio, outdoor ads, direct mail, banner ads, Press Releases, PSAs and more for you to choose from. The ads are designed to encourage customers to turn to their Carrier dealer when they need answers to their indoor comfort questions. The campaign also pre-sells them on the advantages of Carrier systems so they will be more receptive to your local advertising efforts when it comes time to purchase a new heating and cooling system.

Take advantage of your advantages.

How, when and where to place a message is as important as the message itself. This marketing kit is designed to help you determine the right mix and message for your budget and needs.

Take a few moments to review the following pages. You’ll find quick and easy guides about everything from choosing a message to selecting the proper media mix for your particular area and budget.

Media planning help: Media 1-2-3


The best advertising tools are of no use until you learn how to use them. The following charts provide a framework for local media planning and buying to help you with your local efforts:

I. Identify Advertising Goals

Every smart advertising plan has a strategy, set of goals and a purpose. Create a flight schedule, define your audience and determine a geographic area for your communications. Identify what you would like to achieve through your advertising efforts and work toward it. It’s essential that your objectives are measurable so that you know if your plan is working for you. One smart way to measure response is a strong call-to-action in your ads. As prospective customers contact you, inquire about how they found your dealership and track their responses. This is a great way to learn which medium is performing best for you.

II. Media Planning/Evaluate Local Opportunities

Every medium has a distinct inherent value. To help direct your efforts, analyze each based on its advantages and limitations.





Negotiating Television









Negotiating Out-of-Home/Billboards





Negotiating Newspaper

Yellow Pages




Direct Mail








Negotiating Internet

Community Events




III. Media Buying/Negotiating

In general, most media rates are negotiable. Look to your sales representative as a resource to help you plan your media and design a suitable program for your business. Building good media relationships is key to long-term, effective advertising, so walk away from any relationship that puts you in a high-pressure situation. Your business can suffer if you make media spending decisions in haste.

Negotiating Media:

Getting the Best Deal:

It isn’t unheard of to shop around for a great deal. Weigh your options and don’t jump into anything unless you’re certain it’s worth it to you and your business.

IV. Placing Orders and Following Up

Although you may have developed a good working relationship with your sales representative, you still need to look out for yourself. Following up on your order is essential.