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Support Materials :: Logos :: Nate®

NATE Logo Guidelines

In general, the NATE-logo used should always be the one showing an ® to designate that NATE is a registered mark.  You may use the name of your company with these in wording such as "(Your company name) supports…"

Logos may be reproduced in any reasonable size as long as exact proportions are maintained.  (Uses:  business cards, ads, yellow pages, truck signs, etc.)

For use on business cards, we ask employers to place the logo next to the name of the technician and not the business, since it is the individual we certify - not the business.

When the logo is printed in color, use PMS-268 purple and PMS-115 gold.

If you wish to use our logo in a manner not specifically covered by these guidelines, please contact our headquarters office directly:

North American Technician Excellence, Inc.
4100 North Fairfax, Suite 210
Arlington, VA   22203
(703) 600-0361


Employers of NATE-Certified Technicians

These logos are designed for use by HVAC contractors who employ NATE-certified technicians. THE LOGO SHOULD NEVER BE USED ALONE.

NATE logo NATE Logo

(4 color: Process)

(4 color: Process)

The partner logo should never be reproduced smaller than the dimensions shown here. The white rectangular box is part of the partner logo and must always be included. Ample space should be given around all edges of the logo when placed in a layout.


Educators and Trainers

This logo has been designed for use by schools and other training entities that wish to actively endorse and prepare students to become NATE-certified. The logo should be displayed near the HVAC program title. THE LOGO SHOULD NEVER BE USED ALONE. The text shown or similar text must accompany its use.

NATE Training Logo NATE Training Logo

(4 color: Process)

(4 color: Process)

The partner logo should never be reproduced smaller than the dimensions shown here. The white rectangular box is part of the partner logo and must always be included. Ample space should be given around all edges of the logo when placed in a layout.