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Previews are for reference only!

Radio :: General Cooling


We're excited to present updated materials in the ad kit. It is important that you do not use materials from previous seasons of the ad kit prior to 2019. The usage rights tied to them have expired.


The :20/:10 radio spots do not include “Carrier, turn to the experts” in the recorded voiceover. As outlined in the radio script, you must include “Carrier, turn to the experts” in your voiceover recording in order to be eligible for co-op funds. 

If you have recorded radio spots from previous ad kits and those commercials are no longer housed in the current ad kit, they should not be used. These materials have usage rights tied to them in the form of actor or talent rights. Carrier Corporation has not bought out usage rights of these materials in perpetuity, so you risk potential financial loss or liability if your use of rights-managed materials goes beyond the allowed time.

In order to view the Radio Scripts, you must have Adobe® Acrobat® Reader.

:15/:15 General Cooling - Taggable

:20/:10 General Cooling - Taggable