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Previews are for reference only!

Promotional Aids :: Financing, Leasing & Rebates

Financing, leasing and rebate offers are a great way to provide additional incentive to help close a deal and to help you offer your customers the opportunity to purchase a home comfort system that wouldn't be attainable otherwise.

Wells Fargo Financing

For over 50 years, Wells Fargo Financial National Bank has helped provide people with the financing they need. For those approved, the wide range of plans feature choices like convenient monthly payments, competitive interest rates, the opportunity to pay over time and online bill pay.

"Now get 72 months financing. Subject to credit approval. See dealer for details."

"Now get 60 months financing. Subject to credit approval. See dealer for details."

"Now get 36 months financing. Subject to credit approval. See dealer for details."

"Wells Fargo Logo"






Microf Rent-to-Own Financing

With Microf you can offer hassle-free financing for your customers' heating/cooling needs without having to access existing funding sources like home equity lines, credit cards, or bank accounts. Download the Microf media kit below for more info.

Logo (EPS)

Online Banner (345x289)